Home Appliances Service
Leenspire Solutions Private Limited

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Our home appliances services

A split air conditioner consists of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. The outdoor unit is installed on or near the exterior wall of the room that you wish to cool. This unit houses the compressor, condenser coil and the expansion coil or capillary tubing. The sleek-looking indoor unit contains the cooling coil, a long blower and an air filter.
How is a Split Air Conditioner Different From Other A/C Units?
Installation of a split air conditioner is much simpler because it does not require ductwork. Rather, the indoor and outdoor units are connected with a set of electrical wires and tubing. This is good for your wallet and the environment.

Front load machines are more efficient at cleaning clothes, and impart much less wear and tear on clothing than their top loading counterparts. The reason: the lack of the central agitator present in top load washers. The central agitator is the large central post with wide rubber fins that spins in a quick and halting pattern during the wash cycle. Whereas that agitator can catch stray threads and rip clothes apart, the gravity-aided tumble wash of front load units is much gentler on clothes.
Front load washing machines are built for efficiency. They can use one-third the amount of water, energy, and detergent when compared with top loaders. So while the initial investment is higher,

Microwave oven, also known as electronic oven, appliance that cooks food by means of high-frequency electromagnetic waves called microwaves. A microwave oven is a relatively small, boxlike oven that raises the temperature of food by subjecting it to a high-frequency electromagnetic field. Water, fats, sugars, and certain other molecules, whose consequent vibrations produce heat, absorb the microwaves. The heating thus occurs inside the food, without warming the surrounding air; this greatly reduces cooking time, and baking and other cooking tasks that require hours in a conventional oven can be completed in minutes in a microwave oven. Microwave ovens generate radiation at a frequency of about 2,450 megahertz by means of a magnetron, which is a kind of electron tube.

A refrigerator is an important commodity not just at homes, but also for small and medium businesses. A refrigerator helps keep the food away from bacteria. It is very important to ensure that the fridge is working in a good condition to have food and drinks stored over for some time. It is also good to think about the use of the appliance, whether there is the need for a freezer, or a fridge without it will do.
A single door refrigerator is good for a small family of 1 to 3 members, whereas a double door refrigerator is great for a family of 3 to 4 members. On an overall, the power consumed is less for a single door refrigerator as compared to a double door fridge.

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to remove ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property that is driven by chemical potential differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic parameter. Reverse osmosis can remove many types of dissolved and suspended chemical species as well as biological ones (principally bacteria) from water, and is used in both industrial processes and the production of potable water.

Gas Piping

Sewer REpair